Earth Day

How to Do Your Part During Earth Day

Today we celebrate the 51st anniversary of Earth Day. Do you know what event inspired this special day?

On January 28, 1969, more that three million gallons of oil spewed off the coast of Santa Barbara, CA. A well drilled by Union Oil Platform A blew off the coast of Santa Barbara killing 10,000 seabirds, dolphins, seals, and sea lions and covering 800 square miles of oil slick off the coast. People gathered on April 22, 1970 to show their passion about the environment. Since 1970, people have gathered to demonstrate their support for environmental protection and participate in a wide range of events that are coordinated globally by

How WE Are Doing Our Part

Vital Pet Life’s celebration of pet wellness and mindful formulations, are at the root of our efforts to build a more sustainable future. We believe in the importance of extending our sustainability efforts beyond just product - ensuring that it is at the heart of our brand ethos.

Here at Vital Pet Life, we are doing our part to help preserve the environment by being MSC certified. MSC certification is a way of showing that a fishery meets international best practices for sustainable fishing. Sustainable fishing means that the seafood is either caught or farmed in ways that consider the long-term vitality of the seafood and the well-being of our oceans. For over 20 years, the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has been leading the movement to tackle overfishing and rebuild the ocean for future generations. Our MSC-certified Salmon oil is an Earth-friendly product. Here at Vital Pet Life, we’re passionate about our commitment to sustainable practices and higher standards in the pet wellness industry.

Are You Doing Your Part?
We’d like to give you a few ideas on how you can help keep our big, blue planet beautiful.

Take a walk

Collect garbages

One of the best ways to help keep our planet beautiful is to clean up. While you’re out on your daily walk with your pup, take a trash bag with you. Just walking around your neighborhood or neighboring park, there’s always trash lying around. By taking a few extra seconds to stop and pick up any trash, especially plastic, you’re doing your small part of keeping Earth beautiful. Did you know that for every mile walked instead of driven, nearly one pound of pollution is kept out of the air? Another way you’re helping Mother Nature when you walk your pup.

Plant a Tree

Trees capture carbon, cool overheated places, benefit agriculture, support pollinators, reduce the risk of disease transmission, and boost local economies. Did you know that planting one oak tree brings in more insect and bird species than an entire yard of plants?

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Reduce means to minimize the amount of waste we create. Reuse refers to using items more than once. Recycle means putting a product to a new use instead of throwing it away. Recycling one can will save enough energy to power a tv for three hours. Let’s all pull together to do our part.

Involve the Kiddos!

Plant a tree

More than a billion people celebrate Earth Day every year. It’s a wonderful opportunity to educate kids and pass down the love of nature by taking part in activities like picking up litter, planting trees, limiting water use, volunteering your time and spreading the message. We only have one planet to live on, so let’s do our part to take care of it. Coming together with each of us contributing a small part toward taking care of planet earth, means collectively we can make a big difference in the future of our planet. We’re honored to be celebrating and protecting mother earth today on Earth Day.
