National rescue dog day

Do You Rescue Dogs or Do They Rescue You?

National Rescue Dog Day was founded by Lisa Wiehebrink of Tails That Teach and is observed every May 20th. Tails That Teach is a non-profit organization that inspires young children to be kind to pets and people, while building awareness about the number of dogs in shelters.

Who Rescued Who?

National Rescue Dog Day was inspired by Cooper, a dog that Lisa rescued in 2009 from a shelter in Los Angeles.

TTT says the crucial years for a child to begin to build empathy are between age 5 and 8. The books, Love Me Gently and Gray Whiskers are lesson-based stories of a boy and his rescue pup that uniquely bridge the connection between animals and children while instilling lessons about kindness, compassion, and empathy.

Rescued dog cared by a human

Countless inspiring dogs are waiting to be rescued every day, and National Rescue Dog Day helps bring awareness.

Rescue dogs offer the same qualities as dogs that you would get from anywhere else, like unconditional love, comfort and friendship. They’re also capable of so much more; with the proper training they can help people with disabilities by becoming their service animals.

Celebrate National Rescue Dog Day

There are many ways for us to observe this day. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Adopt - If you have room in your house and in your life, consider adoption and give one of these amazing dogs a fur-ever home.
  • Foster - Not quite ready to adopt, think about becoming a foster parent. We have to remember that every dog rescued from a shelter allows another to be saved by the shelter.
  • Volunteer - If you love dogs but can’t have one in your home, the shelters can always use some volunteers! Take dogs for a walk, give them a quick brushing, and share lots of affection to help improve their socialization.
  • Donate - We all can have very hectic lives, so if you can’t volunteer your time, drop them a few dollars to help with food, blankets, and even their health care.

According to the ASPCA, 3.3 million dogs will enter a shelter or rescue this year. Not only do we want to help rescue these dogs, but we also want to spay and neuter our dogs to help make sure the shelters don’t continue getting overcrowded. If we do our small part, we can help save the lives of so many lost dogs in the shelters.

Vital Pet Life’s mission is to create a compassionate and socially aware business that makes a positive impact in its community. With this in mind, a vital part of our business is our commitment to donating and working with local rescue shelters because all animals deserve a forever family in a loving home.

Donie, Kyle, and Tux VPL founders