National Hug Your Cat Day: Benefits of Hugging Your Cats
June 04, 2021Cats are a symbol of grace and poise. Ancient Egyptians are known to have worshipped, revered, and spoiled their feline friends.
June 4th is Hug Your Cat Day. Not a holiday to be over-thought or complicated. Just a day to make sure we share our love with our cats.
Since the start of the COVID pandemic, many families were home a lot more, and your cat has enjoyed you being home. Now that things are starting to settle down, you and your family have a lot more to do outside the home. Your cat may begin missing you. They don’t know what’s going on.
So, on this one-off, memorable holiday, take a few extra minutes to show your feline friend how much you love and appreciate them.
Benefits of Hug Your Cat Day

Your cat is a forever friend. They will be there through the good, the bad, the highs, and the lows. Hug Your Cat day is an excellent way to show them some extra love and respect they deserve.
Not only are you benefitting your cat, hugging your cat has many benefits for you as well. Snuggling with a cat is a naturally pleasant experience. It can improve and elevate your psychological state. Furry friends help alleviate negative moods and put a smile on your face. Feeling calmer is good for a person’s cardiovascular system and will have long-term health benefits that we shouldn’t ignore. Not only can cats decrease stress levels, but someone who hugs and spends time with cats may also find their blood pressure readings to improve over time.
Ways to Celebrate Hug Your Cat Day
Get your cat a new toy! Cats love to play, and we must keep them active, especially if they are only indoor cats. They love to run, chase, and toss around cat toys and even hair ties if you leave them lying around. If you can’t get to the store, check out Amazon.com. It has so many toys to choose from, your cat will be very excited when your package arrives with their new toy!

Maybe it’s time for nail trimming. Most cats hate to have their nails done, but it’s essential to keep them healthy. Call your local cat groomer and see when their next available appointment is. (Let the groomer be the enemy, and you can be their savior when you pick them up after the appointment.)

You don’t have a cat? No worries! There are many cats at the shelter that can use some extra love and attention today as well! You can volunteer some of your time or even make a small monetary donation for the cats. The shelters can always use volunteers and some extra cash to help feed and care for the unlucky felines at the shelters.
There’s no right or wrong way to love a cat or to celebrate on this day. So, whether or not you are the proud housemate of a purring kitty, Hug Your Cat Day is the perfect excuse to put a bit of warmth and companionship into your life. No matter what’s going on around you, no matter how bad or troubling things get, you can always count on your furry feline friend to be there for you. Give them a hug to show them your appreciation.

We want to know how you celebrate Hug Your Cat Day! Be sure to share with us on social media! Tag us @vitalpetlife and use the hashtags: #hugyourcatday, #cats #cat #caturday #catmom #love #catlove