Fever in dogs

Fever in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Guide

As a loving dog owner, staying vigilant about your furry friend's health is crucial. One common concern that can arise is when your dog develops a fever. Understanding the causes, identifying the symptoms, and knowing how to respond can significantly affect your dog's well-being. This blog post will delve into dog fever, covering everything from its causes and symptoms to effective treatment options. Additionally, we'll explore the surprising benefits of salmon oil in preventing fever in dogs.

Understanding the Causes of Fever in Dogs

Fever in dogs can occur due to various factors, including:




Inflammatory Conditions 

Inflammatory Conditions

Environmental Factors 

Environmental Factors




      Identifying Symptoms of Fever in Dogs

      Recognizing the signs of a fever in your dog is essential. Keep an eye out for the following symptoms:

      • Elevated Body Temperature - A dog's average body temperature ranges between 99.5°F to 102.5°F. Anything above this may indicate a fever.
      Elevated Body Temperature


      • Lethargy and Weakness - A fever can cause your dog to become tired, less active, and lack energy.
      Lethargy and Weakness
      • Decreased Appetite - Dogs with fevers may lose interest in food and water.
      Decreased Appetite
      • Shivering or Trembling - Some dogs may experience chills or shivering when they have a fever.
      Shivering or Trembling
      Nasal and Eye Discharge


      How to Respond if Your Dog Develops a Fever

      If you suspect your dog has a fever, take the following steps:

      1. Measure their temperature using a rectal thermometer designed for dogs.

      Measure their temperature using a rectal thermometer designed for dogs

      Gently insert the thermometer into your dog's rectum and follow the instructions provided with the thermometer. This will give you an accurate reading of their body temperature.

      2. Consult your veterinarian to discuss the symptoms and get professional guidance.

      Consult your veterinarian to discuss the symptoms and get professional guidance.

      Reach out to your trusted veterinarian as soon as possible. Describe the symptoms your dog is experiencing and provide them with the temperature reading. Your vet will be able to assess the situation and provide appropriate advice.

      3. Follow your vet's advice regarding necessary diagnostic tests, treatments, or medications.


      Follow your vet's advice regarding necessary diagnostic tests, treatments, or medications.

      Your veterinarian may recommend specific tests to identify the underlying cause of the fever. It could involve blood work, urine analysis, or other diagnostic procedures. Based on the results, your vet will suggest appropriate treatments or medications to address the root cause of the fever.


      4. Provide your dog with a comfortable and quiet space to rest and recover


      Provide your dog with a comfortable and quiet space to rest and recover

      Ensure your dog has a peaceful and relaxing area to rest undisturbed. Create a warm and cozy spot with soft bedding. Minimize loud noises or excessive activity that could cause stress or agitation, as rest is crucial for their recovery.


      5. Ensure they have access to fresh water to stay hydrated

      Ensure they have access to fresh water to stay hydrated


      Keep a bowl of fresh water nearby and encourage your dog to drink. Fever can lead to dehydration, so it's essential to ensure they have access to clean water. If your dog is not drinking voluntarily, consult your vet for further guidance on keeping them hydrated.

      Awareness of the causes, symptoms, and appropriate actions for fever in dogs is crucial for responsible pet ownership. By understanding the potential causes, recognizing the signs, and promptly seeking veterinary care, you can help your beloved canine companion recover swiftly.

      Additionally, incorporating salmon oil into your dog's diet can be a valuable preventive measure, contributing to their overall well-being. Salmon oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and can benefit your dog's health. While it may not directly prevent fevers, it can support the immune system and reduce the risk of certain infections and inflammatory conditions. The anti-inflammatory properties of salmon oil may help maintain a healthy body temperature and minimize the likelihood of fevers in dogs.

      Our salmon oil for dogs is sourced from high-quality wild-caught salmon, ensuring a pure and potent supplement. With its delectable taste, your dog will eagerly lap up every drop, making it easy to incorporate into their daily routine. Invest in your dog's well-being and enhance its vitality with our trusted salmon oil for dogs. Your loyal companion deserves the best; our salmon oil delivers just that. Remember, a vigilant and caring approach can make all the difference in keeping your dog healthy and happy.
