Signs and Symptoms That Your Dog is in Pain

Signs and Symptoms That Your Dog is in Pain

Our fur babies are important members of our family, therefore we always want to make sure they’re in good health. As fur parents, our job is to make sure to intervene if we see any signs of discomfort or suffering with our pets. Because animals communicate differently than we do, it's important that we know the signs and symptoms that our dogs may be in pain. 

How do I know if my dog is in pain?

1. Moving slowly

    Moving slowly

    Most of our fur babies are very active, and like to play, run, and walk. If your dog is moving slowly, acting more tired than usual and overly lethargic, there may be something wrong. As dogs get older, they tend to slow down due to aging, and in many cases, chronic pain is the reason. This constant pain wears them out over time, and as a result they gradually slow down. If your pet is slowing down, make sure to check with your veterinarian to discern the reason.  

    2. Sleeping Longer Than Usual

      The sleeping behavior of your dog may indicate they are experiencing discomfort. Similarly when we have colds, we tend to sleep more and stay in bed. If you notice them sleeping more or struggling to get up in the morning this could be a sign that they are experiencing discomfort. Keep track of their sleeping patterns so you can relay this information to your veterinarian.

      3. Changes in eating and drinking habits

      Changes in eating and drinking habits

      Loss of appetite and a decrease in water consumption could be signs that your dog is in pain. These symptoms may be an indication of dental pain if you notice them having difficulty eating or chewing dry foods. 

      4. Social changes and aggression

      Dogs may try to avoid contact or become aggressive when you approach them at the door. It's possible that your dog is in pain if they hide or seem unusually antisocial. Many animals, when hurt or in pain, will go into a self protection mode. You may notice your normally calm dog suddenly starts growling, pulling back his ears, and even biting if something triggers his stress response. Check in with your veterinarian if you see this behavior, as your pet’s vulnerability may cause harm to you or someone else.

      5. Mobility problems

      Mobility problems

      Pain in dogs usually manifests as stiffness and limping and may be related to injury, sore feet, or even arthritis. Getting up might be difficult for your dog or he might be reluctant to climb stairs. If your pet is not as active as usual, it is best to consult a veterinarian. 

      A joint supplement is one of the most common and effective long-term treatments for mobility issues. Our liquid glucosamine and mobility powder for dogs defends against stiff and sore joints and promotes flexibility and movement. 

      It is important to be aware of any change in the behavior of our fur babies. A regular monthly checkup is also something that you might want to consider in order to know if our pets are still in good health and condition. Observing our pets is also important because they are very transparent with what they feel and these guides can be a great help to determine where to start checking them. 
